Today the calendar reads 11-11-11. In my book just another day. I suppose for those who revel in fruitless practices such as numerology 11-11-11 has a special significance. While some may think that mystical manifestations abound on such calendrical anomalies today is really 11-11-2011. It has been 2000 years since last 11-11-11 took place. A mere twenty-two years before the last 11-11-11 the original 11-11-11 came and passed. Surely next year 12-12-12 will be all the rage but remember that 2000 years before 12-12-2012 the final 12-12-12 took place. It takes a certain amount of numerical manipulation to even pretend that 12-12-(20)12 actually means anything of significance. Every day is a gift of God and we should learn to appreciate it instead of calendrical anomalies.